(Must Read) Why You Shouldn't Flash A Peace Sign While Posing For Photos

Most of us regularly take photos while flashing the peace sign, however,research has revealed that posing for a picture while holding your hands up in a peace sign could pose a security threat, with hackers able to recreate prints that are the key to phones, computers and tablets.
Researchers at Japan's National Institute of Informatics (NII) have found that fingerprints can be easily recreated from photos taken up to three metres away without the need for advanced technology. So long as the picture is clear and well-lit, prints can be mimicked.
"Just by casually making a peace sign in front of a camera, fingerprints can become widely available," Professor Isao Echizen, a security and digital media researcher at the NII, told local paper Sankei Shimbun.
(Must Read) Why You Shouldn't Flash A Peace Sign While Posing For Photos (Must Read) Why You Shouldn't Flash A Peace Sign While Posing For Photos Reviewed by Ayodele Jay on January 16, 2017 Rating: 5

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