Former Aston Villa Star Claims To Have Captured The Ghost Of His Dead Dog On Camera

Former Aston Villa star Dion Dublin believes the ghost of his dead dog has been captured on camera. Mr Dublin took the ashes of his beloved dog Big Frank, an English Bullmastiff, and scattered them in Hoylake Beach, Merseyside, on Saturday.

His wife, Louise, then took pictures of the scattered ashes. But later on when the pair were studying the snaps, they were stunned to see strange blue orbs hovering over the beach.

Big Frank was diagnosed with cancer in February last year and his death is the latest blow in the Dion family's battle with the disease.

The former centre-forward has organised a series of charity events to raise funds in aid of the Bobby Moore Fund for Cancer Research in recent years.

The charity has special meaning to him after losing his mum to cancer while his dad has also battled bowel cancer.

Former Aston Villa Star Claims To Have Captured The Ghost Of His Dead Dog On Camera Former Aston Villa Star Claims To Have Captured The Ghost Of His Dead Dog On Camera Reviewed by Ayodele Jay on April 03, 2017 Rating: 5

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