HOW PATIENT ARE YOU?? By Victoria Chukwuma

For immediate comfort we have thrown away incoming parcels!

How patient are you?

For sweetness of today we have discarded happiness of tomorrow!

How futuristic are you?

Need something badly?
You not getting it??

What can you sacrifice? 
Your stomach?
Your looks?
Your beauty or your pride? 

For your future..
How patient are you?

Often times, we are carried away by comfort.
We don't want stress!

We don't want to walk in the sun in search of a job!
We want to be 'keke naped' down the streets.

We don't want to work for free.
We want to be paid by the minute!

How patient are you? 
For your future how patient can you be?

Your father missed it.
Your father's father missed it too.

Your mother missed it.
Your mother's mother missed it too.

You missed it.
I was gon' miss it too until I realise I can and I will be patient! 

You bet, I will.

I will be patient enough to walk in the sun,
Patient enough to work for free, 
Patient enough to understand that no matter how much I sacrifice it will never be enough for the sweetness of the future.

I will be patient.
What about you?‎

Victoria Chukwuma is an Ambivert, A journalist, A writer (sometimes), Wit lover, Social media addict, Poet (sometimes)
and Food lover (all the time).

Instagram handle: @toreeah_
BBM channel:

HOW PATIENT ARE YOU?? By Victoria Chukwuma HOW PATIENT ARE YOU?? By Victoria Chukwuma Reviewed by Ayodele Jay on January 14, 2017 Rating: 5


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