Man Ends Up In Hospital With Swollen Lip After giving Oral S3x To Woman With STD (photo)

The man pictured above allegedly gave a lady oral sex and unfortunately ended up with this swollen lip the next day after he woke from sleep.

According to his cousin ”Icandice Promotions” who shared the story on Facebook:

My cuzin ate some girl in the plaza pussy & woke up like this...he said the doctor said who eva he gave oral sex too have a std that hasn't been treated in years...cuzin throat swollen he say when he get better he gone expose her cuz he could have died...smh fellas be careful outcha! #sender

Man Ends Up In Hospital With Swollen Lip After giving Oral S3x To Woman With STD (photo) Man Ends Up In Hospital With Swollen Lip After giving Oral S3x To Woman With STD (photo) Reviewed by Ayodele Jay on October 25, 2016 Rating: 5

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