How God Used Me To Cure An HIV Victim - Soul E

Soul E baba who left the music scene seven years ago in a fresh interview with The Nation has explained how God called him, how he left the entertainment world and how it has been ROSY since then. 

According to Soul E, it does not matter your sins, God chooses to call/use anyone he pleases so he wants people not to see him as Soul E of yesterday but a new man entirely. He also spoke about a photo of a girl he posted online, whom doctors have told she had less than a month to live because of are ailment- HIV (i guess it should be full blown AIDS) and she was brought to him and God completely healed her. 
Check out the interview below;

Tell us about your new found love; the ministry? 
The calling of God is not what a man can explain. God’s call is the sweetest thing that can happen to any man privileged enough to be chosen by Him. And one thing about God is, he does not look at the opinion of men to call anybody. He looks at the heart of that man. Music is still part of my ministry, but that’s not my main calling. My main calling is to save souls and that’s what I have been doing for the past five years now.

How did your friends react when you answered the call?
I have never had friends. I just respect people, even when I was into secular music. I was always a one man army, the only friend I have is the Holy Spirit.

How about your fans? Were you able to gauge their reaction?
Like I said, I did not call myself. God called me. And it’s better to follow the call of God than look at the reaction of men.

Why did you have to relocate to Abuja?
I have been living in Abuja since 2008 and when God wants to use a man He separates you to teach you something and then launch you Himself.

Was it that business was not rosy again like when you started off?
I stopped singing because I heard the call. It has nothing to do with business being rosy or not. When God’s hand is upon a man, if you don’t obey, He can kill you and raise someone else. So I had to obey what God had in stock for me.

People go into the ministry and later backslide for one reason or another. Are you working towards forestalling such occurrence?
Well I don’t know about others, but I never went into the ministry by my own self. I went into the ministry because I was called by God. So if He called me the evidence will prove itself.

You also predicted that some entertainers will go down, and none has taken place yet. Won’t this make people doubt your calling?
My prophecy is not for debate, neither is it understood by a carnal mind. I did what God asked me to do and I have prayed for them. That’s all I can tell you.

How long do you think you can stand the test of time?
There is no test because I’m not in this by my power. The Holy Spirit has been my strength since 2009 till now. I am more blessed than when I was doing secular music so I’m grateful to God.

Do you have your own ministry? How was it like building one?
Yes I have my own ministry called Soul E Ministries. We have been doing programmes for the past seven years around Africa, and it’s been amazing.

Would you say being a star has also helped pull crowd to your church?
Crowd does not come because you are a star. Crowd comes where there is power. In my ministry, I have seen miracles, unexplainable supernatural move of God that can only tell that man can’t do this but God, and He takes the glory.

How expensive is it being a preacher?
Well I’m not in the ministry to show off. I am here for souls; so asking me how expensive it’s been, God has been my source. Appearing bad is made for native doctors not ministers of God. Every minister should look great; that’s how God that called us to look. We are made in His image so we should look good.

The picture of the lady you posted, what happened to her?
This girl was in my meeting in South Africa. She was confirmed to be HIV positive. The doctors said she would die in less than a month. She was brought to me; I called upon my God and look after her, after one week, she was totally healed.

It is believed that there is no cure for HIV. Won’t people see this as being diabolical?
I have seen all kinds of miracles. Jesus is real. There is cure for all kinds of sicknesses and that is Jesus Christ the son of the living God. People will always have their opinion about you, but it’s better for the world to be against you while God stands by you. I will be doing a prophetic meeting soon in Lagos; the blind can come. Those that are affected by HIV can come and see the God of evidence heal them totally

Now that you no longer do secular music, do you still get royalties for your old songs?
No I don’t. Every aspect of my past remains in my past. I started a new life seven years ago and that’s what I live by. I have never gone hungry.

Do you have any gospel songs set for release?
Yes I have four albums ready to be released from next year. I will start releasing videos and singles of the new Soul E, so watch out for that.

Will you honour invitation to collaborate with secular artistes?
When God calls a man, he leaves his past and follows God. I can’t do songs with people that are not in the same vision as me.

You have also kept a very low profile?
I have been under training by God so I had to stay away from the crowd. That’s why nothing has been heard of Soul E for years now. People have been wondering where I was. I was under training by God and this is the set time for my showing forth.

What are the changes in your lifestyle?
You were asking me about my change in lifestyle. The way God has blessed me is five times of what I used to have doing what I was doing before. You can’t work for God and not prosper.

How God Used Me To Cure An HIV Victim - Soul E How God Used Me To Cure An HIV Victim - Soul E Reviewed by Ayodele Jay on October 30, 2016 Rating: 5

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