Edo Election: Ize-Iyamu Seeks Fair Minded Judges As Tribunal Members

People Democratic Party, PDP, governorship candidate in the just concluded election in Edo State, Pastor Osagie Ize-Iyamu in Benin City expressed confidence that the judges to be appointed into the Edo State governorship elections tribunal would be men and women of integrity, fair-minded and not those with a mindset.

He spoke at a thanksgiving worship at the Trinity Sanctuary of the Redeemed Christian Church of God in Benin City, as part of his family’s gratitude to God for a violence-free Edo State election, before, during and in which no life was lost. Noting that whereas the judiciary remains the last hope of the common man in his desire for justice, he insisted that as a child of God, God remains his last hope, because repeatedly, God has been true to His word and faithful in answering his prayers.

“We are hopeful and praying too that God will grant us our hope of fair-minded judges for the election tribunal which will be set up. We are looking forward to men and women of credibility, who are not coming with a mindset but will be fair-minded.”

On the thanksgiving service, Ize-Iyamu who is a pastor of the church, said he had cause to thank God because as, “long as we serve God, we believe that the truth will prevail. The truth is that I or the PDP did not lose the election. Edo people know who won the election. God knows who won the election. INEC announced a fraudulent result.”

He said he could not have the thanksgiving service penultimate Sunday not because he was sad at the turn of events with the election results or because he was disappointed but because he had to be in Lagos same day for a very important reason.

“God knows everything about me. He knows that my heart towards him is filled with thanksgiving. So, I am thanking God for so many things. He is the God who puts kings on the throne. He is all powerful and we cannot just thank Him enough for His goodness and His mercies.”

Also speaking, Edo State PDP chairman, Chief Dan Orbih, expressed happiness to the crowd of supporters who showed up at the thanksgiving service without any special invitation, adding that it was a mark of the confidence Edo people have in the PDP and Pastor Ize-Iyamu.

Orbih who said he was sad over the midnight arrest of court judges in parts of the state capital, weekend, condemned those who ordered the criminal intimidation and harassment of the law officers, describing the incident as a bad omen for the country’s democracy.
Edo Election: Ize-Iyamu Seeks Fair Minded Judges As Tribunal Members Edo Election: Ize-Iyamu Seeks Fair Minded Judges As Tribunal Members Reviewed by Ayodele Jay on October 11, 2016 Rating: 5

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