Baby Born With Water Instead Of Blood Miraculously Survives

A baby has beat the odds after being born with just two tablespoons of blood in her entire body – and the rest made of water.

Just 35ml of blood was found inside Frankie Morrison when she was born – that’s seven times less than the average newborn.

Her mother, Maria Sanders, 32, needed an emergency c-section after doctors discovered Frankie hadn’t moved for two days due to the lack of blood.

Maria and her partner, Chris Morrison, 33, were told to expect the worst.

But little Frankie miraculously pulled through and is due to celebrate her first birthday on Thursday.

Maria said: ‘When I came around from the operation I could see people standing around me crying. I thought I had lost her.

‘They said she had been having breathing difficulties and told us in a roundabout way that I had to go to see her because it’s not looking good. They said they didn’t hold out much hope for her.

‘I went up to her and there was this chubby little eight pound baby who was so bloated because she had all this water instead of blood inside her.’

Doctors told them if Frankie survived she would be wheelchair bound or brain damaged.

But after two blood transfusions the little girl’s health rapidly improved and she was given the OK to come home.

A year on and the only repercussions Frankie has experienced is a slightly weaker immune system then other children her age.

Maria said: ‘She went back at six months for a check up with her consultant and he was nearly in tears because he couldn’t believe how well she was doing.
‘It’s brilliant. We are just the luckiest people in the world.’

Baby Born With Water Instead Of Blood Miraculously Survives Baby Born With Water Instead Of Blood Miraculously Survives Reviewed by Ayodele Jay on October 16, 2016 Rating: 5

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