Selena Gomez Reportedly Dragged Into #Brangelina Divorce Drama


Selena Gomez has somehow been dragged into popular couple #Brangelina's divorce drama. The photo above which shows Gomez with Brad Pitt at the 2016 Golden Globe Awards reportedly upset Angelina Jolie.

Selena, 24, and Brad, 52, got flirty at the awards ceremony and the photo she shared via Instagram allegedly got Angelina 'furious'.

According to The National Enquirer, a source said:
 "Angie blew a gasket when she saw Selena’s Instagram, and heard through friends about how brad and Selena flirted so shamelessly. Now Selena is bragging to everyone that Brad is going to make another movie with her. Selena is going around jokingly calling Brad "my future husband," and Angie is obviously none too pleased."
Selena also told reporters on the red carpet at the Awards ceremony that she was seeking Brad out. 
'I’m not going to lie. It’s nice to look at all of the hot guys I admire. I’m trying to find Ryan Gosling and Brad Pitt right now!' she said.
Selena Gomez Reportedly Dragged Into #Brangelina Divorce Drama Selena Gomez Reportedly Dragged Into #Brangelina Divorce Drama Reviewed by Ayodele Jay on September 21, 2016 Rating: 5

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