Tabitha Charity Foundation

Good evening guys.. Tonight I will be introducing you to one of our ardent blog reader, she is the Founder of Tabitha Charity Foundation.

Tabitha Charity Foundation was created to support dreams of children who are victims of misfortunes to come true,especially in the area of education, skill acquisitions and many more. And so far, many lifes has been touched.
Below is a short interview with the founder of Tabitha Charity Foundation.

Can you introduce yourself?

My name is Olaide Ajibade, Founder of Tabitha Charity Foundation.

Can you tell us the goals and objectives of Tabitha charity foundation?

The goals and objectives of this foundation is to bring together young minds in other to build lifes by motivating the less privileged not to give up on there dreams and putting God first.

When did you started this charity foundation and what have you achieved so far?

I started this foundation 2 years ago, and by God's grace so many lifes has been touched.

What do you wish to have achieved in five years time?

Hmmmmm, to see lives we have impacted in our own little way achieve their dreams irrespective of there backgrounds.

Do you have any message for the youths out there?

Yes, my message to the youth is; Let's come together with a clean heart and build lifes that will influence Nigeria positively because we are the future and the future is here.

There you have it! To help someone in need, you don't have to own the whole world, you can stand out as a leader of tommorow by helping this beautiful kids..

To join Tabitha Charity Foundation, or if you have anything you want to donate Please call or send a WhatsApp message to  +2347080390821 . you can follow olaide on Instagram @mz_hurlabeauty

Below are pictures from some of there visits to various orphanage homes.

C.e.o Miss Olaide with the leaders of tomorrow

Tabitha and her crew washing the clothes of the orphanage kids

Tabitha Charity Foundation Tabitha Charity Foundation Reviewed by Ayodele Jay on July 02, 2016 Rating: 5


  1. Lovely... God bless Tabitha Charity Foundation.

  2. Cool...keep up the good work... I think am gonna join!

    Dr.strange was here

  3. Nice work out there,you are going places, I believe in you and I believe in your vision..cheers!!!

  4. Am inspired, God bless your ministry! Ayodele jay dz re d kind of things i want to be reading on your blog.. also get a domain for your blog so that people take you more serious.


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